Sometimes, it takes a dose of shock therapy to make people understand that everyone’s reality isn’t the pleasant American dream depicted on tourism pamphlets. Instead, they’re a call to action with the understanding it takes everyone’s involvement for change to occur. wants fans of all races – white, black and all in between – to understand that his words aren’t meant to be incendiary. The War Zone is a 1999 British drama film written by Alexander Stuart, directed by Tim Roth in his directorial debut, and starring Ray Winstone, Tilda Swinton, Lara Belmont, and Freddie Cunliffe. That scene is followed by a similarly styled situations where white males are murdered by the hands of black cops in reenactments of the final moments of Eric Garner and Philando Castile’s lives.

The kid isn’t identified but the implication is clear: he’s a white version of Tamir Rice. While mock aiming the gun, two black cops pull up, draw their weapons and take him down instantly. continues to rally against injustice with his latest single War Zone, which follows his recent anti-Donald Trump record Dope. As it begins, the camera follows a young white adolescent is seen walking from home to the playground while toting a toy pistol, complete with an orange tip on the end of the barrel. The video depicts scenes of news events that have become all too familiar, but the script is flipped. Gone are the boastful tracks and lighthearted tunes like “Let’s Get Away.” They’ve all been replaced by lyrics that take on a stronger social context with him taking on police brutality, the crooked nature of the legal system and more. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has long warned of the risks of a disaster at Zaporizhzhia, Europe's largest nuclear plant, and urged an end to fighting in the area. For the moment, Tip’s put aside the cars, guns and flashy jewelry. to turn over a new leaf with the content of his music and his new video for “War Zone” takes the interpretation of his song lyrics to a different level. God of War Ragnarok game developed by Santa Monica Studio supports AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution.